Wave Front (Japanese)CAE Solution (Japanese)Particle-PULS > LINK / SITE MAP
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Physical/Chemical Database

  • NIST – SRD
  • Standard Reference Data compiled by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, US). They have various data in terms of physical constants, atoms, molecules and compounds, and a part of them are open to the public for free.

  • NIFS
  • Database compiled by National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS, Gifu in Japan). They provide with Atomic and Molecular Numerical Databases and Bibliographic Databases.

Related Software developed by Wave Front

Neutral Gas Flow Simulation Software

  • DSMC-Neutrals (Japanese page)
  • An application software to analyze a behavior of neutral rarefied gases/particles in 3D. It is useful to apply to an apparatus-development or an analysis of an experiment with a vacuum chamber for example. Using DSMC-Neutrals, simulations of depositions like CVD, which is affected by chemical reactions, are computable. In overseas the same distributors as for Particle-PLUS deal in DSMC-Neutrals.