Wave FrontCAE Solution > DSMC-Neutrals [日本語] / [English]

3D-Simulation Software of Rarefied Gas Flow by DSMC Method

About DSMC-Neutrals

DSMC-Neutrals is three-dimensional simulation software to analyze rarefied gas flow by unstructured mesh. Especially, it is good at simulation of atomic and molecular flow with high Knudsen and non-equilibrium. DSMC-Neutrals can simulate adsorption and desorption (evaporation), which is applied to vacuum vapor deposition and chemical vapor deposition processes. Besides, optional models for thermophoretic micro- and nano-particles, scattering on moving walls, transparent in porous media are built-in DSMC-Neutrals.

Simulation Examples

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Other Examples

Simulation Models Targets and Outputs
Deposition of Solar Panel Films Film thickness uniformity / Temperature dependence of organic materials / Carrier gas effect
Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) Concentration distribution / Deposition rate uniformity / Optimisation of evaporation cell shape
Shock Waves near Jet Nozzle Pressure distribution / Density distribution / Optimization of injection rate and shape of nozzle
Ashing by Oxygen Radicals Species distribution / Incident flux uniformity on surface
Arc Ion Plating (AIP) Pressure distribution / Arrival amount on surface / Contamination control / Gravity effect
Tarbo Molecular Pump (TMP) Temperature distribution / Surface pressure / Torque / Shape effect of fixed and rotary wings
Heat Transfer via Gas Phase
(Benard convection)
Different temperature objects / Heat conduction and convection in gas phase / Heat flux on surface

Software Configuration

Modules Features
Neutral-Gas Solver
  • Species: Atoms / Molecules / Multicomponent gas (mixture) / Microparticles*1
  • Intermolecular collisions: Elastic / Inelastic*2 / No collision
  • Boundary conditions: Inflow / Outflow / Adsorption / Desorption (evaporation) / Reflection*3 / Moving wall / Permeable wall
  • Chemical reactions: Gas phase reaction*2 / Surface reaction
  • Coordinate systems: 3D-Cartesian(XYZ) / 2D-Planar(XY) / Axisymmetric(RZ)
  • Output variables: Species density / Flow velocity / Pressure / Temperature / Heat flux / Surface pressure
  • Optional outputs: Particle statistics of velocity / Animation of particle trace
  • Acceleration options: Parallelization by multicore CPU / Separating model / New algorism for collisions / Periodic boundary condition
  • Mesh type: Unstructured
  • Cell elements: Tetrahedra / Hexahedra / Prisms / Pyramids
  • Geometry import: STL / Nastran / Others*4
  • Time variation of spatial distribution
  • Supported external viewers: EnSight , ParaView and so on.
Other Tools (attachment)
  • GUI for simulation setup
  • Management server for floating licenses
  • Database editor for species and reaction parameters
  • Graph monitoring tool
  • Heat transfer solver for solids
  1. Micro- and nano-particles such as dust are supposed in microparticles model of DSMC-Neutrals.
  2. Molecular internal energy levels (counting vibrational and rotational modes) are considered in inelastic collision model and chemical reaction model of DSMC-Neutrals.
  3. DSMC-Neutrals supports reflection models of mirror, diffuse, and the mix (Maxwell type).
  4. A CAD reader to import CAD native formats and intermediate formats is prepared.

Papers refering DSMC-Neutrals

  1. N. Sugie, T. Takahashi, K. Katayama, I. Takagi, Y. Kikuchi, E. Shiobara, H. Tanaka, S. Inoue, T. Watanabe, T. Harada, and H. Kinoshita, "Comparison of Resist Outgassing Characterization between High Power EUV and EB", J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol. 2012, 25(5), 617-624 , https://doi.org/10.2494/photopolymer.25.617
  2. T. Wada and N. Ueda, "The effect of carrier gas flow rate and source cell temperature on low pressure organic vapor phase deposition simulation by direct simulation Monte Carlo method", J. Appl. Phys. 2013, 113(15), 154503, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4799055
  3. T. Wada, "Particle behavior simulation in thermophoresis phenomena by direct simulation Monte Carlo method", J. Appl. Phys., 2014, 116(4), 044502, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4890712
  4. T. Wada, "Particle behavior simulation considering thermophoretic and drag forces by direct simulation Monte Carlo method", J. Fluid Sci. Technol., 2016, 11(3), JFST0013, https://doi.org/10.1299/jfst.2016jfst0013

See Also

DSMC-Neutrals and Particle-PLUS are software developed by Wave Front Co., Ltd. System requirements of DSMC-Neutrals are the same as Particle-PLUS. Also, various services, including technical support, operation training, custom development and contract analysis, are provided the same as Particle-PLUS.

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For sputtering analysis, you have choice a sister product Particle-PLUS because it can simulate magnetron plasma and coupling with DSMC. Please see the page if you have interests in plasma analysis.