[Published in peer reviewed journals]
Nutbeam T, Fenwick R, May B, Stassen W, Smith J, Bowdler J, Shippen J
Maximum movement and cumulative movement (travel) to inform our understanding of secondary spinal cord injury and its application to collar use in self-extrication
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 30(4) December 2022
Nutbeam T, Fenwick R, May B, Stassen W, Smith J, Wallis L, Dayson M, Shippen J
Assessing spinal movement during four extrication methods: a biomechanical study using healthy volunteers
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine December 2022 30(1)
Vera-Jiménez JC, Meléndez-Sánchez FL, Álvarez JA, Ayuso J
An Analysis of Biomechanical Parameters in OTP Police Physical Intervention Techniques for Occupational Risk Prevention
Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022 Vol 19 Issue 11 6615
Nutbeam T, Fenwick R, May B, Stassen W, Smith J, Wallis L, Dayson M, Shippen J
The role of cervical collars and verbal instructions in minimising spinal movement during self-extrication following a motor vehicle collision – a biomechanical study using healthy volunteers
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 29(1) December 2021
DOI: 10.1186/s13049-021-00919-w
Raschke U, Shippen J, Humphreys W, Caldarelli L, Harvey W, Langridge G
Human Simulation and its Potential for Ergonomic Work Design in Mining
Third Australasian Simulation Congress, ASC 2019, Gold Coast, Australia, September 2–5, 2019, Proceedings
Bailey E, Magee P Shippen J
Designing the LilyPad: A co-creation approach to designing a postural support for midwives facilitating active birth
9th Annual MaMa Conference, Glasgow, 2019
Andrews B, Gibbons R, Goodey S, Shippen J
Towards the development of a full motion FES rowing with accurate ergometry: RowStim IV
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2018) Pisa, Italy 2018
ISBN: 3-030-01845-8, 978-3-030-01845-0
Shippen J, May B
Shoulder torques resulting from luggage handling tasks in non-inertial frames
Technology and Health Care 26 (2018) S565 – S569
DOI: 10.3233/THC-182503
Griškevicius J, Daunoraviciene K, Lukoševicius E, Shippen J
Musculoskeletal-model based prosthetic gait evaluation for orthopaedic applications using low cost motion capture equipment
World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland 2018
Shippen J, May B, Alexander P
Biomechanical analysis of horticultural digging
World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland 2018
Shippen J, May B
Manual handling in non-inertial reference frames
12th International BIOMDLORE, Bialystok, Poland, 2018
Shippen J, Alexander P, May B
A Novel Biomechanical Analysis of Horticultural Digging
HortTechnology December 2017 vol. 27 no. 6 746-753
DOI: 10.21273/HORTTECH03800-17
Linkel A, Raudonyte I, Shippen J, May B, Daunoraviciene K, Sawicki A, Griškevicius J.
Intrapersonal and interpersonal evaluation of upper extremity kinematics.
Technology Health Care. 2017 Oct 23;25(5):939-948. doi: 10.3233/THC-170927.
Shippen J (Keynote)
Biomechanics of Dance for Health Promotion
The 3rd International Conference on Assistive Devices for Sports and Health Promotion, Guangzhou, China, 2017
Cantergi D, Wagner E, May B, Sacco I, Shippen J, Loss J
Turnout is related to high internal loads in ballet
XVII Brazilian Congress of Biomechanics, Porto Alegre, Brazil 2017
Langholza J B, Westmana G, Karlsteen M
Musculoskeletal modelling in sports – evaluation of different software tools with focus on swimming
Procedia Engineering 147 281 – 287, 2016
doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.06.278
Armengol M, Andrews B, Shippen JM, Gibbons R, Holderbaum W, Harwin W
Weight-shifting exercises using electrically induced muscle contraction after paraplegia to improve bone health
23rd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Seville 2017
Andrews B, Shippen J, Armengol M, Gibbons R, Holderbaum W, Harwin W
A Design Method for FES Bone Health Therapy in SCI.
European Journal of Translational Myology Vol 26, No 4 (2016)
DOI: 10.4081/ejtm.2016.6419
Shippen JM, May BJ
Constitutive kinematic modes and shapes during vehicle ingress/egress
Applied Ergonomics 56 (2016) pp. 127-135
PII: S0003-6870(16)30062-X
DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2016.03.017
Shippen JM, May B
BoB – Biomechanics in MATLAB
BIOMDLORE 2016, Druskininkai, Lithunania 2016, ISBN 978-609-457-548-8 doi: 10.3846/2164-M
Linkel A, Griškevicius J, Shippen JM, May B, Daunoraviciene K
Characteristic upper extremity kinematical parameters of healthy people during defined motions
BIOMDLORE 2016, Druskininkai, Lithunania 2016, ISBN 978-609-457-548-8 doi: 10.3846/2164-M
Andrews B, Shippen JM, Armengol M, Gibbons R, Holderbaum W, Harwin W
A Design Method for FES Bone Health Therapy in SCI
IFESS conference, Grande-Motte, France, 2016
Cantergi D, Wagner E, May B, Sacco I, Shippen J, Loss J
Turnout is related to high internal loads in ballet
Brazilian Conference of Biomechanics, Porto Alegre 2016
Kolk E, Moody L, Shippen JM, Alexander P
Getting to the root of the problem: Informing design through the exploration of the gardening experience of older females
10th International Conference on Design & Emotion, Amsterdam, 2016
Bronner S, Shippen JM
Biomechanical metrics of aesthetic perception in dance
Experimental Brain Research Volume 233, Issue 12, pp 3565-3581 2015
Doi: 10.1997/s00221-015-4424-4
Shippen J M
Computational method for the real-time calculation of the full-body muscle load distribution
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2015
DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2015.1061514
Shippen JM
Biomechanical analysis using BoB
The Second Guangzhou International Conference on Exercise and Health, Guangzhou, China, 2015
Bronner S, Shippen J
Biomechanical metrics of aesthetic perception in dance
XXIV Annual Meeting of International Association of Dance Medicine & Science, Pittsburgh, PA 2015
Shippen JM, May B
Lagrangian multiplier / matrix partitioning approach for the solution of the muscle load distribution problem
33rd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Poitiers, France 2015
Shippen J, May B, Alexander P, Kolk E
Growing healthier
Design 4 Health 3rd European Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 2015
Gibbons RS, McCarthy ID, Gall A, Stock CG, Shippen JM, Andrews BJ
Can FES-rowing mediate bone mineral density in SCI: a pilot study?
Spinal Cord. 2014 Nov;52 Suppl 3:S4-5. doi: 10.1038/sc.2014.112.
Bronner S, Shippen JM
Principal Component Based Analyses And Inter-Segmental Variability In Professional And Intermediate Dancers
World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, USA 2014
Shippen JM
Modelling the Interaction of Biomechanical Systems and Ancillary Equipment
World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, USA 2014
Wagner DW, Stepanyan V, Shippen JM, DeMers MS, Gibbons RS, Andrews BJ, Creasey GH, Beaupre GS
Consistency Among Musculoskeletal Models: Caveat Utilitor
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2013 Aug;41(8):1787-99. doi: 10.1007/s10439-013-0843-1. Epub 2013 Jun 18.
Shippen JM
The generation of loads in excess of the osteogenic threshold by physical movement
Proc IMechE Part H: J Engineering in Medicine 227(6) 704–711 2013 doi: 10.1177/0954411913481186
Wilson MA, Shippen JM, May BJ
Center of Mass excursions for dancers and non-dancers in the STAR excursion balance test
International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, 23rd Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA 2013
May BJ, Shippen JM
Postural analysis of seat positioning for comfort optimisation using BoB and Jack
2nd Global Advanced Auto Seating Forum, Frankfurt, Germany 2013
Shippen JM, May B
Musculoskeletal analysis of vehicle ingress and egress
3rd SIMBIO-M International Conference, Coventry 2013
Gibbons RS, Gall A, Shippen JM, McCarthy ID, Andrews BJ
Can FES-rowing increase tibial bone mineral density in SCI: a pilot study
4th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (UK and Ireland Chapter)
Southampton, UK, 2013
Wagner DW, Stepanyan V, Shippen JM, DeMers MS, Gibbons RS, Andrews BJ, Creasey GH, Beaupre GS
Consistency among musculoskeletal model moment arms
American Society of Biomechanics Annual Conference, Omaha, 2013
Shippen JM, May BJ
Teaching Biomechanical analysis using the BoB Matlab/Simulink model
American Society of Biomechanics Annual Conference, Omaha, 2013
May B, Shippen JM, Woodcock A
Biomechanical analysis of able-bodied males undertaking four walking journeys – unencumbered and encumbered
Ergonomics and Human Factors, Cambridge, UK, 2013
Shippen JM
Biomechanical analysis of entry, egress and loading of a passenger vehicle with rear hinged rear doors
International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering Vol 2 Number 2 2012
Shippen JM, May B
The calculation of ground reaction forces during dance in the absence of forceplates
Journal of Dance Science and Medicine , Vol 16 Number 1, 2012
Shippen JM
Turnout is an Euler Angle
Journal of Arts Biomechanics, Vol 1, Issue 1, pg 21 – 27, 2012
Copaci D, Blanco Rojas MD, Caballero AF, Shippen J, Lorente LE, May B
Complex environment simulation for rehabilitation of the elbow
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 11, 4, p. 11, (4), 2012
Andrews BJ, Shippen JM, Gibbons RS, May B, Wheeler G
FES Rowing Biomechanics: fixed and floating stretcher ergometers
The Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS), Banff, Canada 2012
Shippen JM, May B
The modification of singular value decomposition characteristics due to fatigue during repetitive vertical jumps
International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, 21th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA 2011
May B, Shippen JM
Loss of jump height caused by muscle fatigue
International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, 21th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA 2011
Shippen JM, May B
Calculation of Muscle Loading and Joint Contact Forces in Irish Dance
Journal of Dance Science and Medicine, Volume 14 1 pp11-18 2010
Shippen JM, May B
The variance of the turnout of dancers throughout the demi plie and grand plie in first, second, fourth and fifth positions
International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, 20th Annual Meeting, Birmingham, UK 2010
May B, Shippen JM
3-d analysis of turnout
International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, 20th Annual Meeting, Birmingham, UK 2010
May B, Shippen JM
Visualisation of Dance Performance using 3-Dimensional Motion Tracking and Muscle Modelling Techniques
1st Annual International Conference on Fine and Performing Arts 7-10 June, Athens Institute for Education and Research, 2010
Shippen JM, May B
Health Implications of the Biomechanical Analysis of Dancers’ Muscle Loads and Joint Contact Forces
Measurement and Sensing in Medicine and Health, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, London 2009
May B, Shippen JM
The body and mask in ancient theatre space – a biomechanical analysis of performance
Body, Mask and Space, The State of the Art, King’s College, London 2009
May B, Shippen JM
Can 3-dimensional motion analysis provide information on maximum turnout during performance to achieve biomechanical advantage?
International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, 19th Annual Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands 2009
Shippen JM, May B
Whole body biomechanical analysis and muscle loading of Irish dancers
International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, 18th Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, USA 2008
May B, Shippen JM
Biomechanical modelling system to solve muscular loading distribution
Southeastern Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, USA, 2008
Shippen JM
3D motion analysis and its use in the screening and monitoring of elite fast bowlers
ECB Congress of Science and Medicine in Cricket, Loughborough University, 2003